Friday, December 29, 2006

Round 1: Motion & Draw Info

The motion for Round 1 of UBC Worlds 2007 is:

"TTHW Ban Government Funding of Religious Schools"

There are some tough first round draws:

TCD Phil A picked up Oxford A;
Middle Temple have Harvard A who were strong at Oxford this year;
Glasgow B picked up Sydney A;
Lincoln's A got a Seattle team and Yale E; and,
Glasgow A got a bunch of "A" teams from US institutions.

But the pick of the bunch from Round 1 has to be: Cambridge C, St Andrew's A, TCD Hist B, and Sydney D.

You're normally counting on Round 1 to give you a solid win and push off your break chances. I'd guess most of the above would have been hoping to break and will be disappointed to pick up such strong competition on the random draw.

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