Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Clarification and Apology

It appears my post about Thai Night has caused some degree of upset to Kevin Massie. I understand that that post could be taken to mean that Kevin gave legal advice at a point in his legal career when he was not entitled to do so and when doing so could be considered a breach of a number of guidelines and standards. It was not my intention to suggest that this was the case.

I want to apologise to Kevin for whatever upset the post has caused him - Kevin and I have always had a good relationship, that has included a good degree of verbal sparring and barbs, but I have never sought to cause him upset and I hope that he believes and accepts that.

The post was intended to have some humour value - the humour is gone so the post is too.


Declan Bruton said...

what a moaning prat....

Declan Bruton said...

any sign of free drink tonight? or is it still "illegal"?

Érik le Rouge said...
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Niall K said...

Sorry the blog seems to have caused you some degree of problems... but rest assured it's been very useful to those of us back home...

Unknown said...

it's always going to be the case in blogs that someone somewhere doesn't like it. don't worry 'bout it. i've been enjoying reading